Author: Jeff
Quote of the day – Mistrust the Government
Andrew Napolitano succinctly describes why it is imperative that we should mistrust the government and provides a nice list of the freedoms that we all yearn for: Why We Should Mistrust the Government by Andrew P. Napolitano The reason Obama likes government and the reason it is \”a dangerous fire,\” as George Washington warned, and…
Please State Government, may I have ice cream?
Wisconsin is in the midst of a recall process. Petitions have been circulated and are currently being examined to determine if the Republican Governor, Scott Walker, and several Republican state representatives will face a recall election. Today a private group, Verify the Recall, delivered recall signature eligibility reports to the Government Accountability Board (GAB). Those…
The Positive Side of Groupthink
When I think about the places I go for information, the people I seek out for conversation, the blogs I frequent, I realize that most of them are places where I find myself saying \”yes, how true\” much more often than \”no, you got it wrong\”. Hopefully now and then I find myself saying \”interesting!…
The Morality of Profit
[Updated from May 21, 2011 post] Sheldon Richman in The Morality of Profit has a link to a video from the Atlas Foundation where Tom Palmer discusses the morality of profit. (Also available direct here.) On October 21, 2011 Tom Palmergave another talk on this topic at the John Locke Foundation. I have been puzzling…
Income Inequality
(Updated October 31, 2011) There has been an increasing amount of news lately, particularly surrounding the Occupy Wall Street movement, fussing that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, bemoaning the declining lot of the poor and middle class, and condemning the rapaciousness of the very rich, grabbing all they can while…
Minimum Wage, Minimum Rights
Minimum wage laws should be abolished. They are morally indefensible because they cause more harm than good. They are economic foolishness because they thwart the price signal that lets workers and employers arrive at the optimal price for labor. First, minimum wage laws increase unemployment. As I argued in a post on unions, it is…
The Essence of Libertarianism
If I succeed with this post I will convince the reader that there are a narrow set of clear rules that should guide the debate over the appropriateness of any government activity. I claim that those rules are simple and uncontroversial for most Americans. They are rooted in the core of what it means to…
Moral High Ground for Libertarians
I believe libertarians can make a strong claim for occupying the moral high ground on many issues. Opponents often argue against freedom by claiming that only the rich and powerful will benefit. Quite the opposite is true. I\’m going to start a list of examples starting with: An article by Jagdish Bhagwati who argues that…
Roger Pilon Explains the Essence of Libertarianism
Roger Pilon of the Cato Institute presented at talk at a Cato event entitled \”The Moral Implications of the Deficit, Debt and the Budget Battles\” on June 9, 2011. His talk was part of a debate with Amatai Etzione that was inspired by Pilon\’s article in the Wall Street Journal. Starting around 30 minutes in…
Price Controls: Yet another way some seek advantage over others through the government
I just read a great summary on The Freeman Online of the many problems with price controls. It was written in 1978 but is still quite relevant today. I highly recommend it. Congress is currently debating reducing price supports on agriculture so refreshing our memory on the topic is important. It strikes me as ironic…