Lego League Links

Links for the First Lego League and First Tech Challenge Robot teams in Verona. I have coached an FLL team and am now helping with FTC. FLL team

  1. RobotC forum
  2. RobotC Wiki
  3. RobotC Links
Samantha Module
  1. Getting Started with the Samantha Module\” guide on the ROBOTC wiki:
  2. The Samantha Module is explained, including the factors to consider in keeping it connected: FirstTechChallenge
  3. Using Git or GitHub for sharing and version control of software. Tutorial on USFirst-FTC Forum: GIT
  1. FTC Headquarters
  2. The official FTC blog:
  3. FTC Forums
  4. National Instruments (makers of RobotC)
Official Lego 2012 Challenge
  1. 2012 Challenge, rules, game updates, rubrics
  2. Download Complete Challenge. PDF of the complete set of rules and pictures. (4.5 MB).
  3. Robot Game Updates – The first place to go for answers to Robot Game questions if you’ve already read the Challenge document.  Visit here often for answers to questions you never even thought of, because the postings here contain official information that will be in effect at tournaments
  4. Project FAQs – This page is the first place to go for answers to Project questions if you’ve already read the Challenge document.  You should also visit here often for answers to questions you never even thought of, because the postings here contain official information that will be in effect at tournaments.
  5. Judging
    1. Rubrics & Awards
    2. Judging FAQs
  1. YouTube Programming Videos by SciQuestComputerLab\’s channel. Includes a video series on programming to align the robot perpendicular to a black line and just on the line.
  2. PDF of programming tips from First Lego League.
  3. First says this is \”the most popular NXT programming tutorial\”
  4. First NXT Programming tutorials on FLL Team Resources
  5. stuff
  6. Programming tutorial videos
  7. Programming tips – a bit esoteric
  8. Quite technical forum frequented by NXT long time users and experts
  9. Update the NXT firmware to the latest version (currently 1.31)

Robot Game

  1. Scoring sheets
    1. Scoring sheet PDF by TechBrick.
    2. Online calculator by JJ Koletar and his PDF
    3. Online calculator by Reactive Technologies
    4. Spreadsheet from
    5. Online calculator on top of picture of the field by (Baking Soda Volcano).
Other Team Web Sites
  1. Baking Soda Volcano
  3. Minnesota for a whole group of teams
Other ways to program the NTX Robot
  1. Raspberry Pi connected to the NXT brick here.
  2. Android Phone
Lego enthusiasts and blogs
  1. FLL Discussion board
  2. The NXT Step blog
  3. Lego NXT enthusiast site with resources for building and programming. Ruler, scoring sheets, planning pages. Example team handouts for teamwork, project and robot.
  4. Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy



Robot Game


Team Web sites