Category: Trade
The Morality of Profit
[Updated from May 21, 2011 post] Sheldon Richman in The Morality of Profit has a link to a video from the Atlas Foundation where Tom Palmer discusses the morality of profit. (Also available direct here.) On October 21, 2011 Tom Palmergave another talk on this topic at the John Locke Foundation. I have been puzzling…
Moral High Ground for Libertarians
I believe libertarians can make a strong claim for occupying the moral high ground on many issues. Opponents often argue against freedom by claiming that only the rich and powerful will benefit. Quite the opposite is true. I\’m going to start a list of examples starting with: An article by Jagdish Bhagwati who argues that…
Price Controls: Yet another way some seek advantage over others through the government
I just read a great summary on The Freeman Online of the many problems with price controls. It was written in 1978 but is still quite relevant today. I highly recommend it. Congress is currently debating reducing price supports on agriculture so refreshing our memory on the topic is important. It strikes me as ironic…
Unregulated by Government is Still Well Regulated
Steven Horwitz has a post on the FreemanOnline that is just excellent. It makes the point that a market unregulated by the government is not necessarily an \”unregulated market\” in the sense that nothing governs how it behaves. Rather a market unregulated by the government will then be regulated by the rules of supply and…
Electronic Currency (e.g., BitCoin) – An End Run Around the Fed?
When I first heard the position that the federal government should get out of the business of providing a currency I thought it sounded like the authors were not quite as connected with reality as one would hope. However, I have been reading and hearing more and more about the general idea and I no…
Trade With Your Children
If it makes life easier if our children help out with the chores, then trade with China enhances everyone\’s welfare! The two seem miles apart but are supported by the same logic.